Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When You reach Me By Rebecca Stead

This book is very connective. By that, what I mean is when Rebecca Stead started writing this book she made an outline of its supposed to be laid out. She made the connections not just starting out with the book and ending it the way it ended. Everything in her book connected. There was no point in the book where you said "Ah , that doesn't make any sense". If you reread the sentence a couple of times you see that everything makes sense. The book altogether is put together and very carefully using and putting hints of what will happen in the book. but putting it out in a way that you just speed through it without noticing. But it is really inspiring to see a book all connect together. It just starts off with a 4th grade boy saying something that comes through your brain and goes out right away. Because what you think is that it is not important and its not like its going to come up again. But the weird thing is that eventually you find out that, Its what the whole book is about but in a different way of putting it. That makes me already think of books at a different point of view.


  1. I'm glad you were able to read like a writer with this book!

  2. Tamara,

    I'd love to read more about how this book made you think about it in different points of view.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like how you explained the book, but I'd like to know what your opinions or connections are !
